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There's always an uneasy feeling at the pit of our stomachs whenever we get word of an accident, it will never cease no matter how many times it happens.  We develop these products for the worst case scenarios that we hope never comes.  Hearing the outcomes makes all the hard work, research and dedication completely worth it. Thanks and ride safe!

"Hey! So long story short, my bike got laid down, and your gloves did their job beautifully. No damage to my hands whatsoever! The palm slider did exactly what it was supposed to. I would like to purchase a replacement pair, because I don't really trust any other glove at this point"--David R.

"Not a motorcyclist, but have treated my share of motorcycle injuries as an ER doc. I was also, a long time ago, a sculptor. I find the projects that your group are working on both intriguing and important."--James G. MD, Philadelphia PA

"We had an accident and want to replace everything, gear wise, to make sure we are as protected as possible. Your gloves are amazing and I don't want to ride without them. I'll continue to watch FB for news about releases!"--Roger

"Hi mate, as I'm writing you I'm sitting on the couch with a cast wrapped around my left wrist and two pins fighting to have my meta carpal grow together in an anatomically functional manner. Yup, I had a crash on my motorcycle. My front brake malfunctioned, resulting in a sudden speed increase that sent me flying. The good news is that the bike is fine Anyway, if there were such a thing as decent gloves, this wouldn't have happened. Enter Google, leading me to you. My main question now is: when and how can I buy a pair of your innovative gloves? Cheers from Holland."

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